Slowly, but steadily I ascended the steps of of the altar toward him offering the sacramental wine. But I wasn’t just carrying the blood of Christ in the delicate crystal chalice, which was a little bit heavier than I anticipated. On Friday night as the world watched Pope Francis conduct mass in Manhattan's Madison Square Garden Cathedral, I was carrying every hope, dream … [Read more...] about Bright Lights, Big Blessing
Syrian Crisis: Take the ‘Journey of Death’
Art by Christine NelsonWhen I think about the crisis in Syria, like most others, my heart stops and my stomach sinks. Sadly, it’s embarrassing to admit that I wasn’t fully aware, nor did I fully understand, what was really going on in this foreign country, 6,677 miles away from the United States. Like many, it wasn’t until the image of a lifeless Syrian boy … [Read more...] about Syrian Crisis: Take the ‘Journey of Death’
Waves respond to the right-to-die bill approval
Photo courtesy of Creative CommonsCalifornia’s State Assembly passed a bill Sept. 5 that will allow for physician-assisted suicide if Gov. Jerry Brown approves it. Physician-assisted suicide has been a controversial topic in California for some time, and the bill titled The End of Life Option Act has had to overcome some serious opposition. It officially passed with a 43 … [Read more...] about Waves respond to the right-to-die bill approval
Staff Editorial: Chapel Hill Shootings Highlight American Intolerance
Editors note: due to a procedural error, this story was written on January 19, 2015 but not published until recently. We apologize for any confusion.Art by Sacha IrickBy Graphic Staff The public outcry surrounding what President Barack Obama dubbed “brutal and outrageous [killings]” is a motley crew of shattered assumptions and double standards. It typifies a … [Read more...] about Staff Editorial: Chapel Hill Shootings Highlight American Intolerance
Investigating Our Origins
Photo Courtesy of Bryan Wright//Creative Commons When I was about 4 years old, around Christmas time, my “nana” sent me a little book about prehistoric life. I was in love with dinosaurs, but I never received the gift. My dad had looked over it and, to his horror, found a picture of an aged Charles Darwin next to a discussion on evolution. Not wanting to corrupt my young … [Read more...] about Investigating Our Origins