Join PGM

Pepperdine Graphic Media has a staff of approximately 80 students per year. Staff positions change each semester to create many learning experiences for student journalists in a collaborative environment.

Positions include reporters, editors, video and podcast producers, photographers, artists, designers, social media producers and advertising sales representatives. Some positions are associated with scholarships.


PGM hires at the end of the fall and spring semesters, though applications received throughout the year are reviewed on a rolling basis. Please email PGM Director Elizabeth Smith ( for more information. 

If you are interested in any part of our student publications, please join us for Our Big Week, where we start planning the year and put together the first issue of the Graphic. OBW typically takes place the week before classes begin in August, and participants are allowed to move into their dorms early. Our Big Day, a condensed version of OBW, occurs at the start of each spring semester.

PGM Application

  • Senior Leadership applications due Friday, April 12 by 5 p.m. PST. All other applications are due by Tuesday, April 16.

    For help or questions contact

  • Click Here for Positions
  • Please upload a copy of your resume
    Accepted file types: doc, pdf, jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • (Please use the button above for a list of positions)
    Rank them in order of 1 to 3
  • If you have no idea what you’re interested in applying for describe the type of related activities you enjoy: