Transparency Item: The Perspectives section of the Graphic is comprised of articles based on opinion. This is the opinion and perspective of the writer. Disclaimer: This opinion does not apply to service animals or licensed emotional support animals. It is no secret that pets can provide a lot of emotional support for people, and college can be a very taxing time for … [Read more...] about Rant: College Students Should Not Have Pets
Opinion: Not All Friends Can Be Roommates
Art by Emma CreesTransparency Item: The Perspectives section of the Graphic is comprised of articles based on opinion. This is the opinion and perspective of the writer.For many students, the beginning of the academic year marks the start of new roommate combinations. Some students make the choice to live with friends they have made during their time in school. This can be a … [Read more...] about Opinion: Not All Friends Can Be Roommates
A Week of Wanderlust: Students Share Spring Break Stories
Junior Mariah Macias (left) smiles with a Dutch treat near the Amsterdam canals, while junior RJ Wicks (center) and friends pose on Waikiki Beach, Hawai'i and junior Lena Folse (right) poses with friends in Big Sur, Calif. Spring break allowed students to travel and visit friends throughout the week. Photos courtesy of Lena Folse, Mariah Macias and RJ Wicks, Collage by Emma … [Read more...] about A Week of Wanderlust: Students Share Spring Break Stories
Opinion: EBT Gives College Students a Chance to Thrive
Art by Vivian HsiaTransparency Item: The Perspectives section of the Graphic is comprised of articles based on opinion. This is the opinion and perspective of the writer.The classic stereotype of the broke college student has been a story told for generations, according to the National Education Association. Because of the images of lean meals, stretching money and getting all … [Read more...] about Opinion: EBT Gives College Students a Chance to Thrive
Opinion: Give Kindness More Often
Art by Vivian Hsia Though people often overlook kindness in day-to-day life, it can have long-lasting effects on the giver and the world around them. Mother Teresa was the mother of kindness — she dedicated her life to serving others, and built her life on selflessness, according to Nobel Prize. Through her, people can see the living, breathing example of the beauty in a kind … [Read more...] about Opinion: Give Kindness More Often