Photo by Shayla Girardin
It’s got to go! Five foods to minimize in your diet:
Eating healthy can be a challenge, especially when you don’t know whether certain foods are beneficial for your body. While it’s easy to label certain food items, like cookies and candy, as junk, other foods can be more difficult to label. Here are five food items that might just surprise you:
1. Wheat. Be weary of wheat! Since the 1980s, wheat has experienced a total transformation. This means the wheat we eat today is very different from the prehistoric plant. Almost all forms of wheat consumed today are genetically modified, according to Genetically modified wheat, also known as GM, is wheat that has been engineered.
Wheat is commonly found in bagels, pastas, cookies, cakes and breakfast cereals. It also makes surprise appearances in a variety of soups, salad dressings and chewing gum.
2. Fried foods. They may be delicious, but fried foods are definitely something to minimize. Fried foods are high in trans fat (not the good kind of fat), which puts a person at a higher risk of heart disease, according to Not to mention it’s loaded with calories!
3. Sugar. No shocker here, but sugar is commonly linked to obesity, diabetes and heart disease and is extremely addictive. Sugary foods carry high amounts of fructose, which is ultimately converted to fat, according to This fat can build up over time and is difficult for the liver to process.
Sugar is commonly found in sodas, candies and cookies, but is also prevalent in items such as teas, coffee beverages, juices, breakfast cereals and yogurt. Consuming these items often equates to empty calories that hold little to no nutritional value.
4. Diet … anything. Light, diet, sugar free — all three words are synonymous for artificial sweeteners containing Sucralose and aspartame. Long-term side affects of artificial sweeteners can include headaches, dizziness and mood swings, according to
5. Packaged foods. Put down the chips, crackers and cereal bars! While these foods may sometimes appear healthy they are often packed with sugars and fats. Even many protein and energy drinks are extremely high in sugar and include minimal nutrition. Instead, opt for a natural option like fruits, veggies or Greek yogurt.
Follow Shayla Girardin on Twitter: @Shaylagthatsme