Transparency Item: The Perspectives section of the Graphic includes an advice column based on new topics and different writers’ thoughts. This is the opinion and perspective of the writer.
Dear Waves,
Exercise is such an important part of staying healthy, but, at the end of a long day, it can be the last thing I want to do.
After a long day of classes, homework and all the other things that fill the average college student’s day, it can be really difficult to find the energy needed to hit the gym. There are a few ways to overcome this.
One thing I like to do when I am not feeling motivated is to put on an upbeat playlist. I’ll play my music loud and dance around in my room for 5 to 10 minutes.
Songs like “Tití Me Preguntó” by Bad Bunny or “Cruel Summer” by Taylor Swift always make me feel more energized for the gym.
By the time the second or third song is over, I feel energized and ready to go work out. I put my gym clothes on before I dance around so that I can go straight to the gym when I am ready.
Another thing to try if getting to the gym is a struggle is to change your workout schedule. When I go to the gym on campus at 6 p.m., it is very crowded with people.
I think many people save their workouts for the end of the day. However, the end of the day is when I have the least amount of energy, and my evenings are typically for homework.
So a few times a week, I start my day with a workout. I’ll get up 45 minutes to an hour earlier and head to the gym.
That way I don’t have to deal with the end-of-day exhaustion during my workout. Another benefit is that the gym is almost empty in the mornings.
If neither of those tactics works then I try talking to myself. It sounds silly, but it really does work.
I tell myself that I just need to walk over to the gym and get started. Even if I don’t do a full workout, something is better than nothing.
Typically when I get started, the energy hits me, and I end up doing a full workout. It’s just about getting started.
My workout is my favorite part of my day, and I look forward to it all day long. After the gym, I feel accomplished and productive.
College students have a lot on their plates. It is not easy to try and add gym time into their schedules, but it is really important to try and exercise a few times a week.
Hope this helps!

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