Art by Peau PorotesanoPepperdine students, it may be time for the Housing Games. The time has arrived for a battle to the death — for housing, for ocean views, for kitchens that don't smell like feet.Tributes, remember the reaping: Wednesday March 18, when a battle between juniors and seniors over registration for on-campus housing erupted across campus. Unable to access … [Read more...] about Student Tributes Prepare to Fight in the Housing Games
Staff Editorial
Staff Editorial: Small–talk Endemic Strikes Pepperdine’s Campus
Art by Peau Porotesano We’ve all been through it: You’re walking to class, and you pass someone you know. They say hi, so you’re obligated to return the greeting. Thus the small talk ensues and the distracted smiles and head nods continue. It’s not that you don’t want to say hi or see how they’re doing, but on the way to class isn’t exactly the ideal time to hear … [Read more...] about Staff Editorial: Small–talk Endemic Strikes Pepperdine’s Campus
Staff Editorial: A New Perspective on Injustice
Art by Peau Porotesano Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, Eric Garner, Daniel Pantaleo, Michael Brown and Darren Wilson have all made headlines, bringing up controversy in a drama worthy of the 21st century. The rest of the United States has watched this unfold on a grand stage by cheering on, criticizing the players or simply ignoring the importance of this … [Read more...] about Staff Editorial: A New Perspective on Injustice
Staff Editorial: Freely Receiving and Freely Giving — Our New Legal Dilemma
Art by Chris Chen As we approach the holiday season, many people look forward to spending time with family, giving thanks, eating good food and giving back to the community. News feeds will likely soon be filled with volunteer opportunities, Thanksgiving missions and Foodshare donation requests, as there are an estimated 51,000 homeless people living in LA County, … [Read more...] about Staff Editorial: Freely Receiving and Freely Giving — Our New Legal Dilemma
Staff Editorial: Don’t Cut the Students Out
Art by Sacha Irick It’s such well-trimmed green grass that it looks fake. Perfectly manicured, colored as bright as an avocado, just begging to be frolicked on. Typically it’s occupied by families with small children, students tossing frisbees and club sports teams. But this year, things changed. Now, no one is allowed to set foot on the field. If you’re late for … [Read more...] about Staff Editorial: Don’t Cut the Students Out