Won by One is Pepperdine’s six-member traveling a capella group that performs at Pepperdine events such as Blue and Orange madness and travels on a national tour in the summer months.
Won by One is a group of six Pepperdine undergraduate students chosen through an audition process who sing a capella. The group started in 1995 and they currently do an annual summer tour, according to the Won by One information page on Pepperdine’s website.
“I remember being a huge fan of Won by One and in such awe of them,” senior Dixie Lovett said. “I wanted to join Won by One because of how much good they do for the younger generation. It’s Won by One’s goal to recruit for Pepperdine while also ministering to youth groups around America.”
Rachel Higgins, program coordinator for Won by One, said she first got involved with Won by One as a first-year at Pepperdine in 2017.
“I’ve been involved in the group for almost eight years now. First, as a student and now as the program coordinator because Pepperdine offered me the job and leading the group brings me joy,” Higgins said.
The ability to get to watch the group grow and develop is one of Higgins’ favorite parts of leading Won by One, she said.

Leading Won by One can take on a few different characteristics, Higgins said.
“In some ways I can serve as a mentor figure and being a friend getting to know the people in the group and walking alongside them,” Higgins said. “I also take care of the managerial side of booking events and the logistical things.”
First-year Mackenzie Kennedy said she decided to join Won by One because she saw them perform at her home church.
“Music has always been a really big part of my life and that performance gave me a glimpse into what I wanted my future to be,” Kennedy said. “Won By One allows me to do my two favorite things; sing and praise the Lord.”
The audition process for the group included three rounds of auditions, Lovett said. First, she sent in a video showcasing her vocal range. Then, there was a pitch-matching video followed by an in-person audition where she sang worship songs and talked about her faith.
Kennedy said her favorite memory so far would be the car ride that the members took up to Big Bear for their retreat.

“We [Won by One] just met each other about thirty minutes before we all hopped in the Won by One van and headed off to our three day retreat where we would learn our music and each other,” Kennedy said. “What made it so memorable was how we all started singing together and some people started adding in harmonies.”
For anyone looking to join Won by One remember that while Won by One is a huge blessing, it requires a lot of time and work, Lovett said.
“There are many moments in Won by One that have been fulfilling and truly amazing,” Lovett said. “God has blessed so many people through Won by One worship, but He also blessed us through the amazing people we’ve gotten to meet.”
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