As you may or may have noticed, my Nam Knows Best column has not been updated in the recent weeks. Do not feel badly if you didn’t notice. My tears that fall because of your shameful neglect are not your fault. Really. Don’t feel bad. I would feel bad if you felt bad. On the other hand, I liked to think I maintained a sort of celebrity-writer status while I was in the employment of the Perspectives sector of the Graphic. Pure fantasy, you say? Fine, I suppose I should thank you for allowing me my fifteen minutes of fame and now I must wake up to the real world…and that real world happens to be in Lausanne, Switzerland. So, bonjour mes amis!
For the next semester, I will be serving as the International Programs correspondent for the Lausanne program. You can expect semi-regular updates from me about exploring the city itself, taking trips outside the country (not the least of which is our Educational Field Trip to Greece), and occasional binging on Swiss chocolate. Deal with it. Or better yet, check back for articles. Okay, fine, my pride couldn’t handle it if at least someone besides my mom read this little column. In my mind, everything that happens abroad is exciting and new and worth writing about. Problem? Nope.
Take this past week for instance. All the students arrived on Friday January 9th and the rest of the weekend was comprised of attending orientation sessions for new students and returning students alike, unpacking weeks of laundry, scouring the city during a scavenger hunt, and getting adjusted to the time change. None of these seemed like dreadful chores, though, because just out my window was miles of a picturesque place that never fails to warrant an Instagrammed picture. Lausanne, I have decided, is a beautiful city complete with architectural, social, and historical character. And I am already addicted to the local burger joint called Holy Cow.
The rest of the week consisted of class on class on class. Of course, there comes the habitual complaining about homework or teachers or waking up early, but, somehow behind all that, it almost seemed wrong to complain. I mean, sure, nobody likes studying for something they have no particular interest in whether that be French or history or religion. And I’ve never heard anybody actually rejoice when a teacher posts a homework assignment longer than my Bucket List. Yet, every time I felt compelled to complain, I would think but I am HERE. Here, meaning in my room watching the sun disappear behind the Alps. Here, meaning Lausanne, Switzerland. Here, meaning for the incredibly short semester that I fully intend to explode with opportunities taken, lessons learned, sights seen, and adventures that I will never forget. Take this past weekend for instance: I hopped on a few trains to go to snowboarding in Interlaken with a fantastic group of people. And as far as the lessons learned…I’ve already learned that (1) don’t fall asleep on a train or you will probably miss your stop (2) Swiss trains are always, always, always on time (3) my shoulders could use a massage after wiping out one too many times on them slopes. Any volunteers for the last one?
Oh, yes, this semester is gonna be a good one, folks.
I can just feel it. Can’t you feel it?
My dear friends, I hope you explode all of your moments, too, whether you be abroad or at home. Catch trains, eat chocolate, snowboard or surf or run in the rain. Here is to a semester full of fireworks and memories. And ayo waves.