Peter is a stuffed rabbit that sits on my bed. He’s well-loved, 17 years old and has brought me joy for as long as I can remember.
My mom told me that the very first time I saw Peter, I grabbed him and ferociously hugged him. I had just heard the Peter Rabbit stories, so my mom suggested I name him Peter.
For the first few years of my life, my mom was cautious with him. It’s easy to see why — part of his nose is now rubbed off, and he lost the mesh on the inside of his ears.
As I got older, so did Peter. I got Peter when I was one, and he’s watched me grow from a tiny child who could barely walk to a college student going abroad next year. He has witnessed all of my first days of school from kindergarten to my first year of college.

Peter has also traveled the world with me.
Every trip I’ve taken, no matter how close or how far, Peter’s been by my side. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI even blessed him when my family and I got to be part of an audience with Benedict in Rome.
As Benedict made his way up to his seat, he blessed any items that audience members held up. So, when he got to our section, my mom held up Peter so Benedict could bless Peter.
Today, Peter resides on my bed in my dorm, and I could not imagine my life without him.
Schoolwork, friendships and just figuring out what I want to do with my life can be a lot sometimes. But, no matter how stressed or worried I get, I know I can turn to Peter for comfort. I can hug him as tight as I want or throw him up in the air when I’m excited.

No matter what kind of day I’m having, be it a good day or a bad day, I know Peter can bring some good news and a little bit of comfort into my hectic life.
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