Graduates celebrate their accomplishments at the conclusion of their graduation. Seaver College hosted graduation at Alumni Park on April 30. Photos by Lucian Himes
Graduates tossed their caps in the air April 30 as the class of 2022 concluded their time at Seaver College. Graduates filled the seats on Alumni Park, with faculty, staff, families, friends and students cheering them on.
Seaver College welcomed Samuel Schmidt, chair of the board of Conquer Paralysis Now and former race car driver, as the commencement speaker, with senior Minji Kim delivering the student address.
“We celebrate these students triumphant achievement of their college degrees, looking back on all they’ve accomplished, and all that they overcame on their journey,” Provost Jay Brewster said. “We also look forward to new journeys, new challenges and transformative new opportunities that will shape these graduates lives.”

Schmidt was injured in a race car accident, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. After his accident, Schmidt started Conquer Paralysis Now — an organization hoping to use spinal research to cure paralysis. Schmidt offered five life lessons he has learned in his life for graduates.
“Enjoy the process of the search without succumbing to the pressure of the result. Pursue the right partner. Be passionate and persevere through the trials you face,” Schmidt said. “Find your purpose and trust God’s promises.”

Dean Michael Feltner honored Sylvia Franson (’87) with the Distinguished Alumnus Award for her achievements after her time at Pepperdine. Franson graduated from Seaver with a degree in broadcast journalism and now serves as the vice president for Advertising and Sales at NBCUniversal.

While the class of 2022 went through challenges including the Woolsey Fire, the Borderline shooting and the pandemic, Kim said these challenges helped them grow and learn how to persevere through trials.
“One of my professors told me, he told me that our graduating class of 2022 had been through the most unusually difficult four years of college that I’ve ever witnessed,” Kim said. “But these challenges have strengthened us for whatever lies ahead.”

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