Photo by Caroline Conder | Currents staff asked students on campus to anonymously share their most important little moments on sticky notes. The students’ experiences vary from moments of loss to lucky Tinder swipes.
A streak of lightning flashes across black sky,
a moment already passed,
so fleeting, like dying stars blinking back to sleep
when the sun yawns awake.
As brief as a beat of a butterfly’s wing.
Hands brushing,
grabbing too-close-together cups of coffee.
Eyes locking,
across a crowded room.
The gentle sway of daffodils
from spring’s first breath.
A sweet exchange of words
with a soon-to-be friend.
An onset of pouring rain
makes an otherwise uninspiring day unforgettable.
Lives changed in just a moment.
In the same way that
a few drops of cool water
are heaven
when you’re thirsty.
The smell of morning dew,
golden light spilling past open
window blinds, the beauty of birdsong,
your fingers grazing over worlds
sprawled across page after page,
chapter after chapter.
You come to realize that you too, are a story.
So insignificant, it seems —
but momentous all the less.
It is these moments
that make life
worth living.
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Contact Ryan Bresingham: ryan.bresingham@pepperdine.edu
Contact Marley Penagos: marley.penagos@pepperdine.edu