Often, entering college, students think they know exactly who they are. Throughout their four years, they come to find out they’re just starting to discover the person they are meant to be. Every college student has their own unique story about how their time in college has shaped and molded them into the emerging adults they both are and are becoming. Three Pepperdine … [Read more...] about ‘I’ve Become Inherently More Confident’: How Adulthood Emerges in College
The Well
WAVES WORSHIP: The New Sound of Campus Praise
The sound of joy has been in the air throughout Pepperdine's campus since the release of WAVES WORSHIP's first single "Let it Fall." The group has been showing their love for the Lord through writing music, and now everyone can enjoy the songs. WAVES WORSHIP and the songs they produce would not be the same without Nathan Lee and Anna Spivey, who have given so much to the … [Read more...] about WAVES WORSHIP: The New Sound of Campus Praise
Stress and Schedule: Students Face Midterm Season
Every semester, when the halfway mark rolls around, Pepperdine students are faced with midterm season. Students are tasked with the challenge of juggling seemingly endless academic and extracurricular responsibilities. The overwhelming pressures arise form the intense workload, sophomore Isabella Morton said. "I am a Finance and Economics double major," Morton said. "During … [Read more...] about Stress and Schedule: Students Face Midterm Season
RelateWell: The Hub Hosts a New Relationship Workshop
New Year, New Us, New Well! This semester, The Well, hosted by the Hub for Spiritual Life, has partnered with Relationship IQ to welcome a follow-up workshop series called the “RelateWell.” RelateWell, located in the Lighthouse every Thursday at 11 a.m., and noon, is a six-week program focused on growing and reinforcing individuals' relationships. Relationship IQ … [Read more...] about RelateWell: The Hub Hosts a New Relationship Workshop
Singing for a Bigger Purpose: Lindsay Hall Uses Her Passion to Connect With God
Lindsay Hall, junior International Studies major, said she gains something more out of her Pepperdine experience than just the academics. Hall, a third-year from Staten Island, New York, has expressed herself musically during her past three years at Pepperdine primarily through leading worship. Hall's history in singing goes back a lot further than her time in Malibu. She has … [Read more...] about Singing for a Bigger Purpose: Lindsay Hall Uses Her Passion to Connect With God