Frustrated Malibu residents packed the Malibu High School auditorium Saturday, Jan. 25, for a town hall hosted by the City of Malibu — aimed at discussing rebuilding plans post-Palisades Fire and providing residents with a place to ask their questions.Residents who spoke during the meeting aired their frustrations — saying communication failures were caused by … [Read more...] about ‘MRCA has blood on their hands’: Malibu residents demand accountability After Fires
Lights out Pepp: Campus-Wide Power Outage Caused by Severe Winds
Photo by Bill DawonUPDATE: Power has been restored to the Pepperdine Malibu Campus. Malibu traffic signals are now operational. Some Malibu homes are still experiencing power outages. *******************************************************************************Power remains out on all of Pepperdine's Malibu campus. Severe winds were reported to be the cause of the outage that … [Read more...] about Lights out Pepp: Campus-Wide Power Outage Caused by Severe Winds