Sophomore Margherita Zaramella is one of only five women in Malibu from Delta Gamma's pledge class of 38 members. The other 33 members are studying overseas in Pepperdine’s International Programs. Zaramella started the semester without her best friends, but she said she has developed close relationships with her new suitemates and found ways to keep in touch with her friends … [Read more...] about International Programs Create New Friendship and Relationship Dynamics
Opinion: Coming to College Brought Me Closer to My Parents
Transparency Item: The Perspectives section of the Graphic is comprised of articles based on opinion. This is the opinion and perspective of the writer. Growing up in an environment with divorced parents is no easy task for a child. You see your friends’ parents and families and envy that picture-perfect family you never quite had. I grew up in a similar, yet strikingly … [Read more...] about Opinion: Coming to College Brought Me Closer to My Parents
Opinion: Social Media Hurts Relationships
Transparency Item: The Perspectives section of the Graphic is comprised of articles based on opinion. This is the opinion and perspective of the writer. Oh no! You opened Snapchat and saw that all of your friends were at a party that you hadn’t heard about. Yikes! Your partner liked another person's scandalous Instagrampost. These are just a couple of the … [Read more...] about Opinion: Social Media Hurts Relationships
Opinion: Astrology And Relationships On Campus – Is There Any Cosmic Truth To It?
Art by Sarah Rietz Transparency Item: The Perspectives section of the Graphic is comprised of articles based on opinion. This is the opinion and perspective of the writer. New students are discovering they will spend most nights studying and hanging out in Payson Library. Amidst breaks from their studies, students find themselves immersed in late-night conversations with … [Read more...] about Opinion: Astrology And Relationships On Campus – Is There Any Cosmic Truth To It?
Opinion: Be Aware of How Others Want to Be Treated
Art by Vivian HsiaTransparency Item: The Perspectives section of the Graphic is comprised of articles based on opinion. This is the opinion and perspective of the writer.The Golden Rule, the ethical principle as the Bible says in Matthew 7:12, states to treat others as you would like to be treated. One step forward from that is to replace your own preferences with how others … [Read more...] about Opinion: Be Aware of How Others Want to Be Treated