Through a heartfelt plot, humorous casting and eccentric lighting the Fine Arts Division Theatre Department created "Villette," an adaptation of Charlotte Brontë’s novel "Villette." The play opened Jan. 23, in the Lindhurst Theater. "Villette" follows 23-year-old Lucy Snowe as she navigates both the social and physical aspects of the imaginary city of Villette. She … [Read more...] about Pepperdine Theatre Brings Charlotte Brontë’s Work to Life in ‘Villette’
Lindhurst Theater
‘Dead Man’s Cell Phone’ Explores the Affects of Technology Through Theater
Jean and Dwight, played by Chloe Higgins and Cole Wagner, embrace amid whimsically floating lanterns Jan. 24, in Lindhurst Theatre. Audience members are encouraged to recognize the love they have in their lives through Jean and Dwight's romance, Higgins said. Photos courtesy of Ron HallPepperdine Theatre Department's newest play, "Dead Man's Cell Phone," by Sarah Ruhl explores … [Read more...] about ‘Dead Man’s Cell Phone’ Explores the Affects of Technology Through Theater
Pepperdine’s Center for the Arts Slowly Reopens Its Curtains
Pepperdine's Smothers Theatre remains partially open to students and groups for special and permitted use April 6. The Lisa Smith Wengler Center for the Arts allowed for more in-person, student engagement after lighter LA County COVID-19 regulations. Photo by Ali LevensPepperdine’s Lisa Smith Wengler Center for the Arts will open more opportunities for the Pepperdine … [Read more...] about Pepperdine’s Center for the Arts Slowly Reopens Its Curtains
‘Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley’ Brings Jane Austen’s Characters to Life at Pepperdine’s Lindhurst Theatre
The characters direct their attention toward Mary Bennet, sitting at the piano. Photos courtesy of Bradley GriffinThe Pepperdine Theatre Department's latest production "Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley" debuted at Lindhurst Theatre Jan. 28. The play, directed by theatre professor Bradley Griffin, was performed by an all-student cast and ended Feb. 2 after a successful … [Read more...] about ‘Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley’ Brings Jane Austen’s Characters to Life at Pepperdine’s Lindhurst Theatre
Review: ‘Futureproof’ Proves Standing Out Is Unique
Photos courtesy of Bradley GriffinPepperdine’s “Futureproof” successfully captured the internal conflict between belonging in society and being oneself. Director Cathy Thomas-Grant, professor of theatre, strongly displayed the importance of individuality in leading Lynda Radley’s play. Radley originally wrote the play in 2011 and it premiered in … [Read more...] about Review: ‘Futureproof’ Proves Standing Out Is Unique