Transparency Item: The Perspectives section of the Graphic is comprised of articles based on opinion. This is the opinion and perspective of the writer. Whoever decided to call Proposition 6 anything but the “End Slavery Act” on the ballot should be fired. I was confident that Prop 6, a ballot measure ending forced labor programs in California prisons would pass this past … [Read more...] about Opinion: Proposition 6’s Failure Was Preventable
Justice System
Opinion: True Crime Entertains and Educates
Transparency Item: The Perspectives section of the Graphic is comprised of articles based on opinion. This is the opinion and perspective of the writer. Some people prefer listening to music to wind down at night. Some prefer light reading or perhaps a nice cup of tea. And then there are those who snuggle soundly into their pillows as a speaker describes the dismemberment … [Read more...] about Opinion: True Crime Entertains and Educates
When Sorry Isn’t Good Enough
Graphic by Nate BartonFox News' apology to former anchor Gretchen Carlson made national news recently. Its newsworthy value was not because the apology was long overdue, considering Carlson filed the lawsuits in July, but because it was even given at all.The actual confession that something in their company had gone very wrong should be recognized for its significance, but are … [Read more...] about When Sorry Isn’t Good Enough