Two years ago, Brooks Baumgartner visited Fundacion Salvacion, an organization in Huhetenango, Guatemala that houses women and children. Instead of returning to a life in the United States, he made the decision to stay at Fundacion Salvacion and serve the orphanage. Not long after that, he started More Than Compassion, a nonprofit to benefit the foundation, and “rewrite the stories of orphans in Guatemala.” More than Compassion provides children with a home and basic needs, while also giving them skills to succeed later in life. Now the orphanage has a brand new English-language school in the works, the School of Hope, opening for classes this January. Manned with teachers, most of whom are Pepperdine alumni, the school will give the kids of Fundacion Salvacion advantages that would otherwise be unavailable to them. Seven months ago, Pepperdine students spent a week with the foundation in Guatemala and came back with a new purpose.
What happened that week cannot be captured in a single article, let alone in hours of discussion. As the group flew back to LA after hours of laughing, singing, dancing and crying, they pledged not to let the end of the week mean the end of their involvement with the kids in Huhetenango. At this moment, they started to plan a way to bring the kids’ stories and the School of Hope back to the U.S., and more specifically, the Pepperdine community.
And that’s when the words “Dance Marathon at Pepperdine” were first said out loud. Now, seven months later, the event is closer and more real than could have been imagined at the time. Designed to meet the fundraising goals of the School of Hope and tell the story of Fundacion Salvacion, Dance Marathon will give students the chance to “dance the night away.” Junior Jordynn Cheeney is heading up this momentous endeavor.
“We thought it would be a great event to throw at Pepperdine. A lot of groups would like to see this become an annual event and if that is the case I see it really being successful in years to come,” Cheeney said.
Dance Marathon is designed to involve the entire school. Performers such as Buzzin, Bobby Brackins, Fallen Riviera, Two Ton Folk, a DJ and more will attend. Games, raffles and food will be offered — there is even a plan to have freshmen compete in a dance-off as part of their House Cup competition.
“I’m really excited to see how the Pepperdine community can come together and raise money for a great cause,” Cheeney said.
“Obviously it’s great to have an event that brings the whole campus community together but to do that and make a lasting difference in the lives of 90 beautiful orphans…. it makes this event really special.”
Signups for the event are due Monday, Oct. 8 and can be found on Dance Marathon 2012’s Facebook page. For more information about Fundacion Salvacion and More Than Compassion, check out their websites and sign up for the Dance Marathon.