I did not expect this, but my sophomore year at Pepperdine feels different than my first year.
I went to the same school for 12 years before I went to Pepperdine. I was comfortable at my old school because I knew every student and teacher. I knew the campus and where every class was, and I knew how to get around my home city — Prague.
My first semester at Pepperdine wasn’t the best. I didn’t know why — until now. I didn’t just come to a new school and city, I came to a new continent, with a different way of life and different cultures. Living in the United States is significantly different than just visiting.
During my summer vacation, I started worrying about whether my first semester would be tough again. To my surprise, there was no point in stressing about it.
When I moved into my dorm, I realized I don’t even need to use navigation to get around. I don’t need to search for a good lunch or coffee spot to stop by. I don’t have to wonder where I will store all the clothes I brought. I know my way around the area and I remember how I organized my dorm room last year.
When starting orientation week for the Graphic, I realized I don’t need to introduce myself to everyone. I don’t need to make a good first impression on my professors anymore. I don’t need to stress if people are going to like me or not. I don’t need to ask where the newsroom is. I know the people I am working with and I know my way around the CCB.
When starting the first week of classes, I realized I don’t need to be stressed on what to bring to class. I don’t need to use the Pepperdine map. I don’t need to feel awkward walking around alone on campus. I don’t need to stand in the Starbucks line — I can just use my GrubHub app. I know the professors, my friends and the buildings on campus.
Last year, I found myself in an unfamiliar environment with unfamiliar people in it. This year, I came back to my best friends I haven’t seen for four months. I came back to the professors that were admirable and supportive to me last year. I came back to all the places on campus I spent my time having fun and studying last year. I came back to my favorite coffee shop, Blue Bottle, in the Malibu Country Mart. I came back to the cute Jeep I drive which I left here for the summer.
It takes time to get used to a place. You might think in the moment this isn’t the place for you, but it just takes time. Time helps and time will heal you. Take your time on wonderful things in life — you don’t always know something will be wonderful when you start it, but time reveals.
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Contact Anezka Liskova via Instagram @anezka.liskova or email: anezka.liskova@pepperdine.edu