Through the busy life of being a college student, it is easy to forget about the things you once loved the most. One of those things for me has been my love for singing.
Flashbacks to when I was younger in my living room singing Demi Lovato’s “Get Back” without a care in the world come back to me every now and then. These flashbacks remind me of a passion I slowly let go of as I went through hardships in my first couple of years in college.
The memories I have as a child listening to my favorite music and singing with my living room’s imaginary audience linger in my mind as I continue working toward my bachelor’s degree in journalism.
I remember music being prominent in my life at a very young age. It spoke to my soul in ways I was not able to explain. Singing songs from Demi Lovato, Alicia Keys, Adele and many more artists always awakened something in me.
Through my time in college, my passion for singing has only been a memory — a passion that, in some ways, has been forgotten.
Recently, looking back at photos and videos has reminded me of how much happiness singing brought me during my childhood and high school years. It reminded me of how, when life and school got hard, the only way I could escape was through music.

Looking back at these memories reminds me of how important reflecting on your past is. It can help you remember the beauties and passions of life.
Reflecting on my past has brought back my desire to continue singing because it used to be the only thing that kept me going. Being able to come back to singing has brought beauty and happiness in my life that I have been missing out on.
In these past few weeks, I have started singing in any capacity, whether that be in my room, in the kitchen while making pancakes or in the car on a drive home. These small things have brought back that indescribable feeling music and singing have always brought me.
I am able to step back into the shoes of little me and immerse myself into my musical world — one with no cares, where it is just me.
It is easy to get lost in the midst of the hardships and busyness of responsibilities. Being able to look back at memories has shown me how significant it is to rediscover old hobbies and feed your soul with things that make you happy.
I’ll forever be grateful for singing and how it re-centers and nurtures my soul when things get tough.
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Contact Viviana Diaz via email: viviana.diaz@pepperdine.edu