“You are always welcome to stop by my office and chat,” or something similar, are the words Religion Professor Dyron Daughrity repeats almost every class period. After about the fifth time of hearing him say this in my World Religions class, I decided to take him up on his offer.
At the beginning of the year, I walked into his office one morning expecting a 15 minute conversation full of small talk. This was not the case.
Daughrity and I spoke for over an hour and I was so invested in our conversation that I completely lost track of time and missed my 10 a.m. class.
We bonded over simple things like our shared love of Justin Bieber and our connection to Texas. We also discussed our passion for Christ and deep love for Pepperdine.
Leaving Daughrity’s office, I felt like I had made a life-long friend.
Now whenever I go to Daughrity’s class or see him around campus, I know we can immediately spark up a conversation about anything because we’ve already made a connection.
Not only can Daughrity and I talk as friends, but I also know I can count on him if I ever need advice or guidance through anything life throws at me.
It can be easy to get so lost in the responsibilities we have as college students that we forget to take the time to build connections โ especially with our professors.
Sometimes professors can seem detached from students because we might think of them as someone who just gives lectures and grades tests. But in reality, they are people just like you and I.
Ever since my conversation with Daughrity, I have made it my goal to speak with all of my professors outside of the classroom โ and I highly suggest you do the same.
Now as I walk around campus and say “Hi” to my professors, I feel comfort in knowing that I have a special connection with them because I have taken the time to sit and get to know them as a person โ not as a professor.
Make time to get to know your professors. If they tell you stop by their office to chat, take it from me and just do it. You may just meet your new best friend.
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Email Lydia duPerier: lydia.duperier@pepperdine.edu