The Malibu City Council will meet to discuss allocating funds for a project to improve the storm drain inlet at Broad Beach next week according the Malibu Patch. The meeting is scheduled for Sept. 10 at the Malibu City Hall.
In the lawsuit settled in April, the Natural Resourced Defense Council and the Santa Monica Baykeeper accused Malibu of violating the Clean Water Act. Under the settlement, Malibu agreed to fulfill multiple obligations including improvements in the eight storm drains inlets at Broad Beach. The total cost of all the improvements could peak over $5.6 million. Nevertheless, the cost of this construction is expected to be paid for by a State Water Board grant, according to Malibu’s Senior Civil Engineer Robert DuBoux. “The settlement agreement included improvements to one additional storm drain inlet, a design that will reduce bacteria levels and eliminate non-stormwater discharges and the installation of monitoring and sampling equipment,” DuBoux said.