Frustrated Malibu residents packed the Malibu High School auditorium Saturday, Jan. 25, for a town hall hosted by the City of Malibu — aimed at discussing rebuilding plans post-Palisades Fire and providing residents with a place to ask their questions.Residents who spoke during the meeting aired their frustrations — saying communication failures were caused by … [Read more...] about ‘MRCA has blood on their hands’: Malibu residents demand accountability After Fires
City of Malibu Endorses Declaration of Climate Emergency
Infographic by Anastassia Kostin All but one Malibu City councilmember endorsed the declaration of a climate emergency and requested regional collaboration to restore a safe climate at a Malibu City Council meeting Sept. 9. A declaration of climate emergency is a “resolution passed by a governing body such as a city council, a county board of supervisors, a state … [Read more...] about City of Malibu Endorses Declaration of Climate Emergency