Often, entering college, students think they know exactly who they are. Throughout their four years, they come to find out they’re just starting to discover the person they are meant to be. Every college student has their own unique story about how their time in college has shaped and molded them into the emerging adults they both are and are becoming. Three Pepperdine … [Read more...] about ‘I’ve Become Inherently More Confident’: How Adulthood Emerges in College
Church of Christ.
Waves Church Kicks Off Small Groups
Waves Church is now offering midweek small groups at community members’ homes both on and off-campus to help students expand their relationship with God beyond their Sunday meetings. Following Waves Church’s one-year anniversary, Lead Minister Taylor Walling wanted to continue developing the church’s community by following the Pepperdine tradition of hosting gatherings … [Read more...] about Waves Church Kicks Off Small Groups
Opinion: Religion GEs Overwhelm Students’ Schedules
Transparency Item: The Perspectives section of the Graphic is comprised of articles based on opinion. This is the opinion and perspective of the writer. "Old Testament in Context," "New Testament in Context," "Christianity and Culture" — Do these titles sound familiar? These are the three required religion courses to meet the general education requirement at Seaver … [Read more...] about Opinion: Religion GEs Overwhelm Students’ Schedules
Queer-Affirming, Queer-Welcoming or Queer-Hating: The Untold Story of Being LGBTQ+ and Working at Pepperdine
Editor's Note: The reporter for this story has graduated from Pepperdine in April 2023. All reporting in this story was conducted prior to July 2023. Editor’s note: *Name has been changed to J. Doe to protect the individual's privacy. Pepperdine upholds Church of Christ Christian values and strives to lead students toward a life of purpose, service and leadership, according … [Read more...] about Queer-Affirming, Queer-Welcoming or Queer-Hating: The Untold Story of Being LGBTQ+ and Working at Pepperdine
Pepperdine Remains Committed to its Church of Christ Roots
The sun sets behind Stauffer Chapel on campus Feb. 18. George Pepperdine founded the school in 1937 and it has been affiliated with the Church of Christ ever since. Photo by Ashley MowreaderSince its founding in 1937, Pepperdine has been affiliated with the Churches of Christ. The University’s founder, George Pepperdine, was a “lifelong member” of the Church … [Read more...] about Pepperdine Remains Committed to its Church of Christ Roots