Students returning from summer break may notice the new look to the Stotsenberg Track. With the recent renovations going on, students may be wondering what the benefits could be of having a new track.
Over the summer, the Pepperdine Athletics Department was hard at work planning for the upcoming seasons for both Track and Field and Cross Country. With the new blue synthetic renovation, not only the athletes but also the students and faculty, are buzzing over the new look and feel of the track.
“We selected a very highly durable, environmentally sound, track surface,” Marilyn Koziatek, the director of Department of Facility Services said. “In addition to being highly durable, it emits low to no volatile organic compounds.”
Pepperdine also has a detailed process on the facilities based on lifecycle needs, and the school saw it was time to replace, Koziatek said.
“We also made some other modifications, like the beautiful event markers were yellow before, now, they are beautiful Pepperdine orange,” Koziatek said. “The new material increases the utility of the track, and provides high-quality performance for both the athletes and our community.”

Hannah Miller, sophomore Track and Field and Cross Country runner, said the teams were anticipating the new track after it was announced to them.
“We were told a while ago that it was going to be installed,” Miller said. “When I heard it was actually happening, I was really excited.”
Miller talked about how the track feels great physically and how this could be a step forward for the athletics department as a whole.
“The aesthetic of [the track],” Miller said. “It attracts more, especially at night.”
Miller also mentioned how, as a Division I collegiate team, the track makes the school feel more professional athletics-wise. Alongside the changes to the track itself, the convenience for athletes is incredibly important since their previous track was off campus at Malibu High School.
Miller said how important it is for the team to go to the cafeteria and not have to find parking before the morning rush after practice. The convenience of having a track on campus makes it easier for both teams.

This track had built a bigger sense of community, not only with faculty and athletes, but students. This project has helped bring another way for many people to connect on campus.
Junior Luke Penny said the community has grown as a whole with the new track, and how people can use the track without having to feel judged.
“[The track] looks magnificent, it stands out,” Penny said. “It just fits the Malibu ocean beach vibes.”
Penny uses the track on a weekly basis, complaining about the previous track’s wear and tear. Penny said the new Pepperdine blue makes it stand out and is a good look for the school overall.
“It feels smooth,” Penny said. “Last one felt 50 years old, it was bumpy and cracking, and that just is not the case with this new track.”

Director of Athletics Tanner Gardner talked about how the track is meant to provide the student athletes with the tools they need to succeed.
“I think providing them a service where they can train on campus is good for health and safety,” Gardner said. “Having a track that’s up to the standard of Pepperdine, standard of excellence, I think is important.”
This project, despite being planned before Gardner’s arrival as the Athletic Director, is seen as a step in the right direction for the department as a whole.
“My job is to make sure that I provide a great student athlete experience for you,” Gardner said. “There are many ways that we can provide that, and having great facilities is one of those ways.”
The new track is available to all students, faculty, athletes and locals with respect to the events that happen.
With the praise gained from all areas of Pepperdine, the athletics department looks to keep enhancing the student athlete experience with these new projects.
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