Photo by Jenna Aguilera
Inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. and his campaign for peace, hope and justice, students organized and led their own campaign this week focusing on those issues and ideals — aptly named Peace, Hope and Justice Week.
Alain Datcher, a graduate assistant in the Pepperdine Intercultural Affairs office, helped organize the week.
“We wanted a week-long permeation where we can work together towards these ideals of peace, hope and justice — not just as an institution but as a student body,” Datcher said.
Datcher also gave an overview of the past week’s events.
On Monday, more than 20 Pepperdine students traveled to South Los Angeles to volunteer at the Martin Luther King Jr. Parade.
Tuesday’s events consisted of a student leaders’ luncheon and a special Martin Luther King Jr. student-led Chapel.
“It was so full we actually had to turn people away,” Datcher said about the event.
Wednesday showcased the Peace, Hope and Justice Fair, which took place in Joslyn Plaza. Livestrong, UNICEF, America Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, One Heart Source, United Friends of the Children, Free Wheelchair Mission, Cloud and Fire Ministries, End Malaria Now, as well as the Pepperdine Volunteer Center and ICA all brought opportunities for students to get involved with organizations that work to bring peace, hope and justice.
Thursday’s events will work towards the artistic expression of the week’s ideals.
“Thursday we are hosting an art workshop where students are free to make art for peace, hope and justice,” Datcher said.
Datcher also said the will be speaking at the Well on Thursday in support of the week.
To conclude the week on Friday, the art that was created on Thursday will be displayed in an art walk, which will be displayed all across Adamson Plaza.
“We hope that this week provides awareness of current issues and promotes engagement in pushing these ideals,” he said. “The campus is ready to hear this.”
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