Transparency Item: The Perspectives section of the Graphic is comprised of articles based on opinion. This is the opinion and perspective of the writer.
On Feb. 26, Pepperdine’s Student Government Association (SGA) discussed the campus narrative surrounding transparency about funds and the budget at their weekly scheduled meeting. Regardless of the transparency issues SGA is facing, I believe that it is pertinent to examine issues related to the accessibility of the organization. Purpose, accessibility of SGA resources, communication and student involvement are key factors in this discussion.
The purpose of SGA is to represent the student body according to the Preamble located in their Constitution.
The Preamble states, “We, the students of Seaver College of Pepperdine University, in order to provide a forum for students to express concerns and desires for improvement, act on the directives of students by serving as an intermediary council between Pepperdine University administration and students.”
However, I believe there may be a disconnect between the purpose of SGA and the way that students conceptualize the organization.
During my first year, I always counted on SGA to be handing out free shirts or tote bags at events or on main campus. I did not understand what the purpose of the organization was, nor was it ever described to me in detail.
Accessibility of Resources
According to the SGA meeting minutes and governing documents, the student body rarely utilizes the resolution resources offered to the student body.
SGA launched a new website a few months ago with updated information regarding resolutions, initiatives, Senate meeting minutes, programs and resources.
SGA has not advertised the website via email or social media, despite the large following the organization has online as well as its access to the entire student body’s email addresses.
SGA also offers a resolution resource. Students can write and create their own resolution utilizing a template according to the SGA resolution guide found on the SGA website.
Crafting and writing resolutions is a great opportunity for students who are not involved in SGA to advocate for and execute changes they care about on campus.
However, many students do not know about this resource, and according to their governing documents, students who are not involved in SGA rarely craft their own resolutions.
SGA has a responsibility to perform more outreach and make this information more accessible to the wider student body. SGA must put initiatives in place to encourage students to bring their own ideas and resolutions to the table.
The Student Government website includes all SGA meeting minutes for students to review. However, the updated meeting minutes lack sufficient detail for students to obtain essential information about the meetings.
According to the SGA Google Drive, the budget is not public information or accessible to the student body through any governing documents. The SGA Constitution does not state that the budget is public, and other organizations such as The Board and SWAB do not publish their budget either.
However, in light of recent contention and controversy surrounding the SGA budget on campus, SGA must take the steps necessary to restore students’ trust. Publishing their budget may aid in altering the budget narrative on campus.
The E-Board of SGA also offers office hours as a resource for students to ask questions. The office hours are linked in the SGA Google Drive, but not actively advertised on any social media platforms or via email.
Communication Between Administration and SGA
Administrators and various campus organizations attend SGA meetings, according to the SGA meeting minutes. The information and resources that are included in these meetings are often not communicated or distributed to the student body.
On Oct. 23, President Jim Gash spoke at an SGA meeting, but no meeting minutes were recorded. The following week’s meeting minutes (Oct. 30) included “Jim Gash talk about this year’s theme and answer some questions.”
SGA’s position on campus is to inform students of communication being shared from administration to the wider student body. Gash’s discussion of the academic year’s theme is helpful for the student population to better understand the intention of the university’s president.
On Feb. 5, representatives from the Student Heath Center attended an SGA meeting. They shared information about various resources on campus such as helpful information about Medical Now and Talk Now with SGA, which was recorded on the minutes.
However, this information was not communicated outside of the organization on any large platforms such as email or social media.
If SGA is meant to be an intermediary between the administration and the student body, the organization has a responsibility to effectively communicate these conversations and the accessibility of these resources on campus.
Student Involvement and Participation
Annually, SGA implements a student committees initiative to encourage student involvement.
This year, there were committees for DEI and Accessibility, Parking and Construction, Sustainability and University Development.
The committees serve as an opportunity for students to get involved with various issues on campus and utilize their voices in making decisions or creating resolutions.
The students have a responsibility to utilize their voices and get involved. Everyone is encouraged to participate.
Zayd Salahieh, SGA sophomore senator, presented resolution #01-S25 titled “SGA Podcast Tabling” this semester. The resolution passed with 100% of the Senate’s vote.
The resolution states,
“Be it hereby resolved that establishing a dedicated podcast table on the main campus at Pepperdine University will allow SGA representatives to: Provide weekly or biweekly updates on current initiatives, policies, and student concerns; Address student-submitted questions and feedback in real time; Engage with guest speakers, including university administrators, faculty, and student organization leaders, to foster campus-wide dialogue; Offer insight into decision-making processes and provide clarity on governance procedures.”
The resolution is intended to promote transparency and encourage discussion between the student body, administration and SGA. However, if this podcast is utilized next semester and onward, students have a responsibility to participate and ask questions.
The Future
If SGA desires more discussion between themselves and students, they must be more invitational to all students and strive to listen to the voices of its constituents. If students want their voices to be heard, they must participate in SGA committees and initiatives when possible.
The student body, the student government and the university’s administration have the opportunity to make this an effective and purposeful organization that carries out its mission of serving the students.
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Contact Cassandra Barron via email: cassandra.barron@pepperdine.edu