Transparency Item: The Perspectives section of the Graphic is comprised of articles based on opinion. This is the opinion and perspective of the writer.
Studying is an essential element to success while taking college courses. For many students, study spots make or break how much information they are able to grasp.
Pepperdine has numerous areas perfect for studying such as the Light House which provides a scenic view of the ocean. Another popular spot is the Caf patio known for its calm outdoor seating area.
I think it is easy to find a comfortable place to study around campus where one can sit and concentrate with no distractions. However, the one place where the majority of students spend their time studying cannot be called “quiet.”
Payson Library is a crucial space for students because it is equipped with all the necessities needed for a study session such as coffee, chargers and study rooms.
Starting with the bottom area of Payson Library, the on-campus Starbucks line is constantly hustling, and the Grubhub order machine sound is always going off loudly.
I think that students who are sitting near Starbucks can be easily distracted by the rush of students exiting and entering the library. Being near this area is not ideal for students looking for a peaceful spot.
On the other hand, the so-called “study rooms” are sometimes used less for studying and more for conversing.
Imagine booking a study room during finals for three hours only to find out that the person next to your study room is talking on the phone or laughing with friends.
Although I wish the study room walls were thicker, unfortunately, all conversations can be heard throughout which leaves no room for a peaceful and quiet environment.
I believe the last and most important reason why Payson Library is not ideal for studying is because it is likely students will run into friends. A study session can easily be interrupted by a group of friends whispering your name to catch your attention.
Although conversing with friends is very normal, when studying needs to get done, a simple hello can turn into a full-on conversation leading to a distraction.
On the other hand, I find the Jerene Appleby Harnish Law Library the complete opposite of noisy. This library is huge and is intended for law students, but Seaver students seem to occasionally visit and study here as well.
The Law Library has individual study desks with signs that specifically state the entire library is a no-talking zone. This is incredibly helpful, and everyone seems to always be focused.
I think having various tables and individual desks with no noise is very helpful when it comes to studying. Students do not need to wear airpods to block out noise because there is close to none.
Students seem to uphold the quiet rule in the Law Library better than in Payson Library. I think Payson Library can become a distraction-free environment if students would use it more for studying and less for talking.
To me, the Law Library provides a much more efficient and quiet environment than Payson Library. Studying is crucial in college, and one’s surroundings can impact how much studying can get done.
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Contact Ana Villarreal via email: ana.villarreal@pepperdine.edu