Matt Deseno, professor and founder of BAAM marketing agency, shares how he got his entrepreneurial start and advice for creating an ethical business that serves a need. "No one no one starts off at anything amazing," Deseno said. "We all start off pretty pretty bad and it just takes perseverance, to keep on being bad at it long enough to eventually get good at … [Read more...] about Career Chat: Matt Deseno
Weekend Watch: Baran Erim
First-year Baran Erim recommends his favorite movie, “Superbad” (2007) because of its uncommon humor. Written by Seth Rogan and Even Goldberg, the high school themed movie stars Michael Cera and Jonah Hill. “A lot of people don't notice but 'Superbad' is like a very sad and relatable movie,” Erim said. "At its core, it's a story about two best friends losing each … [Read more...] about Weekend Watch: Baran Erim
There’s No April Fool-ing You
This April Fools' Day, The Graphic reminds you to always check your sources and distinguish fact from opinion. __________________________ Follow the Graphic on Instagram: @PeppGraphic … [Read more...] about There’s No April Fool-ing You
Weekend Watch: Josephine Lo
First year Josephine Lo recommends her favorite movie, “What If” (2013) because of its deep character development. The Canadian rom-com features actors Daniel Radcliff, Adam Driver and Zoe Kazan. “It is a feel-good movie and always makes me happy,” Lo said. “What If” (2013) is rated “PG-13”. __________________________ Follow the Graphic on Instagram: @PeppGraphic … [Read more...] about Weekend Watch: Josephine Lo
Career Chat: Jessica Campbell
Senior IMC major Jessica Campbell teamed up with her boss to co-host the Sports 4 Positivity podcast, giving prominent athletes a platform to share how they cultivate positivity and give back to their communities. "Sports had stopped and we just we wanted to do something about it, we wanted to make a difference, we wanted to bring that element of positivity back into … [Read more...] about Career Chat: Jessica Campbell