In the fall 2021, junior Kiara Bromberg embarked on a memorable journey to the Weisman Museum. This hidden treasure on the Pepperdine campus left an indelible mark on her, she said. Bromberg and her two friends decided to seek shelter from a rainstorm within the museum's walls. Little did they know, they were about to commence on a captivating artistic adventure. The Weisman … [Read more...] about ‘Find Something That Inspires You’: Weisman Museum Acts as Sanctuary for Creativity
Art Edition
‘At an Explosive Rate’: A.I. Brings Changes to Art
When opening Twitter — now X— TikTok or Instagram Reels, one can see videos like "SpongeBob" characters singing "I Want it That Way," or the Taylor Swift-inspired images created with Artificial Intelligence, or A.I., becoming more prevalent. While A.I. art has existed for years, new technology has made its art more realistic than ever, according to Wired. A.I. art has become … [Read more...] about ‘At an Explosive Rate’: A.I. Brings Changes to Art