Through a heartfelt plot, humorous casting and eccentric lighting the Fine Arts Division Theatre Department created "Villette," an adaptation of Charlotte Brontë’s novel "Villette." The play opened Jan. 23, in the Lindhurst Theater. "Villette" follows 23-year-old Lucy Snowe as she navigates both the social and physical aspects of the imaginary city of Villette. She … [Read more...] about Pepperdine Theatre Brings Charlotte Brontë’s Work to Life in ‘Villette’
Good News: Heirlooms Honor Loved Ones
I'll be the first to admit it — I am very forgetful. I try to write things down or make notes and reminders in my phone, but with how quickly life seems to be moving, I am bound to forget a thing or two.But, amid life's chaos, there's one constant: the weight of two necklaces draped around my neck, each a link to a family legacy. Thanks to the fact that I almost never … [Read more...] about Good News: Heirlooms Honor Loved Ones
A New Semester, New Beginnings and New SGA Committees
Pepperdine’s Student Government Association’s Committees are back after a year-long hiatus. SGA Committees bridge the gap between members and students who have the common goal of improving campus, SGA Executive Vice President Myers Mentzer said. She re-evaluated the committee structure and created a three-step process that will be engaging for students while simultaneously … [Read more...] about A New Semester, New Beginnings and New SGA Committees
The Augustus and Patricia Tagliaferri Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Discusses Being Armed for Politics: Identity, Calling and Faith
Kay Coles James spoke on how she armed herself for politics by becoming solidified in her identity, calling and faith.The School of Public Policy hosted James during the Augustus and Patricia Tagliaferri Dean’s Distinguished Lecture. Pete Peterson, dean of the School of Public Policy, sat down with James for a discussion titled: A Life of Faithful Leadership in Politics … [Read more...] about The Augustus and Patricia Tagliaferri Dean’s Distinguished Lecture Discusses Being Armed for Politics: Identity, Calling and Faith
Passionate Student Takes Over Core Chapel
After a full semester of Chapel in the fall, first-year and sophomore students have become accustomed to the routine Core Chapel sessions on Wednesday mornings in Firestone Fieldhouse. However, the community was shocked and confused when, during the first Core Chapel of spring semester Jan. 10, Jake Olson took to the stage to speak what he called “the truth.”After a … [Read more...] about Passionate Student Takes Over Core Chapel