Courtney Hong
Living Assistant
Friday night proved to be an eventful night for some talented students, though some caught more limelight than others. Participants of 30 Seconds of Fame wowed a nearly packed Elkins with everything from step dancing to poetry to singing. “Everyone seemed to enjoy the show,” junior Miriam Rezene said. “I thought BSU’s gospel choir was the best. I’m glad they won.”
hose who attended the Alpha Phi “Friday Night Phi-ver” formal at Luminaries Restaurant had their own chance to show off – on the dance floor, that is. “There were awesome desserts, but dancing was the highlight,” freshman Carolyn Oh said. “Everyone was going all out for four straight hours.”
The formal started at 9 p.m. and ended at 1 a.m., and attendees returned safely back to campus via charter bus.
On the celebrity-sightings front, senior Greg Mead can honestly say that he has conversed with the famous. At a recent service at Hollywood Church of Christ, Mead and sophomore Clint Loveness not only sat next to Weird Al Yancovic, but gave him a birthday card. “We knew it was his birthday because we had checked the church bulletin,” Mead said. “We made him laugh. It was great.”
On a more local note, Mead walked out of his Lovernich apartment one day to find Pamela Anderson passing by. “I turned to the right and she was right there,” said Mead. “It was crazy.” Mead asked Anderson to be a celebrity judge for an upcoming Entertainment Business Network fashion show. “I said she’d be perfect,” said Mead, “but she said, ‘No, I don’t do local.’”