Everything in college is a momentum game.
Papers and projects are easier when one is in the constructive zone of their mind. Classes and days go by quicker when they are packed and frenetic.
Pulling ourselves out of the pace does a bit of good every time, though. We welcome respites during the semester where we can breathe and gain perspective.
But, if we’re out of the game too long, the goings get choppy.
If we step out of our routines for a while, then getting back into them feels like a chore. Everything, from getting enough sleep to getting our brains out of relaxation mode, is difficult enough without looming projects, tests and class assignments.
And if there is jet lag involved, you may as well forget about your first week back from spring break.
So, when we are at our most lethargic after spring break, how do we get the momentum back that we need for all those projects?
The answer, in our opinion, is to treat yourself.
The focus we need to get through our tasks should not be on the tasks themselves, but on keeping ourselves healthy.
Health is subjective. We don’t think that getting enough sleep, drinking a lot of water, eating your fruits and veggies is unimportant. However, health is also more complex than lists of dos and don’ts.
In this final stretch health is stamina. What does it take for an individual to keep going with an emotional and physical battery filled to at least 90 %?
We are not here to sing some ancient song about getting eight hours of sleep and drinking enough water — while those are vital and should not be neglected by any means — at this point in the semester we are willing to bet you have luckily found a system that works for you.
But systems become tired, boring and therefore, ineffective. Are you still at peak performance? If so, hats off to you, because we are not.
Within our routines, there is the pressure of responsibilities. In some ways, that’s useful, since it gives us time and helps us mentally prepare to get things done on our timeline.
But in routines, there is nothing really pushing us forward.
We have reached the point of the semester when it is time to do some jumping jacks, splash our faces with water and run up and down the street. We need a boost because the current routine is no longer working and our health is suffering from it.
So we have but one suggestion: variety.
Change all of it up. If you usually get 5 hours of sleep, try 8. If you normally study in your bed, go to a desk in the library, or better yet, set up shop on your floor.
Maybe try putting down the book for one evening and go to bed early, go to a movie or the upcoming “Dance in Flight” show or hang out with friends. Waste some time.
You may find yourself being worlds more productive the next day because your battery is recharged to 100%, not just charged to 60 and then unplugged because that is “good enough.”
If you normally get Caf pizza for dinner, try something or anything else. A balanced meal is ideal but before jumping into a “balanced” meal that you do not enjoy, just try something else. It does not need to be boiled chicken and broccoli, it just needs to be different.
Being healthy involves living a life of nuance. Refreshment comes from the ebbs and flows, something only made possible through changing your scenery. Hear us out: Throw off your routine just a teeny tiny bit and see what happens.
The truth is, our voyage to the end of the semester, is not going to be smooth sailing. Things are going to go wrong; things are going to disrupt our schedules and mess us up. But maybe our schedules could use some disruption.
But on the other side, the sun is shining, and the light is always touching us even when it is cloudy and rainy. Enjoy the sunshine as it is here, enjoy the glimpses you see of it now and take time to decorate life with a variety of fun and healthy activities.
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